Update || JUNIOR FLUX 2.0

This version now stands 7.5" tall. As mentioned in the last update, 2.0 now has strengthened textures all around. Jacket, jeans, sole, and eyes are now noticeably visible. Even with the layers of hardening primer and sealer. Paint layers will not make that much of the difference so i used the two applications that would most cover up details.
The keys (plugs) have now been adjusted to better match each other. Still a few more tweaks to accommodate those changes. Additionally after having the figure in hand, I will now request to have the lights on the sides of the shoe to become more prominent and pill shaped since they now seem flat after becoming enlarged. The Doc plushies hair will also need to be shrunk just a tad to eliminate that gap. Outside of these fixes i believe this scale and the changes made Junior Flux that much more better. Now to focus on writing up this universe for this still untitled series!!
Stay tuned for phase 3, version 3.0 for Junior Flux.